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Showing posts with the label Plant farming

Gram crop, information, requirements, and detailed process of cultivation

The best time to sow gram seeds in the plain region is October to December in loamy soil. People believe that a proper yield of Gram crops can harvest only in the Rabi crop season. Despite this, it can sow in Kharif season somewhere.  Sowing in Rabi season, Gram crop can harvest in April to starting the week of May. Gram crop production  With more than 90% of the portion of the entire plant, gram is a green plant with a bunch of very small leaves. These green leaves smell a bit minty and fresh.  These leaves grow until green chickpeas khol doesn't appear.  Later, small gram peas start to fill these hollow khols. This is the first appearance of green gram in gram crop cultivation. These green grams are very soft and easy to pinch. Within a month, these green grams peas become darkish brown with the last harvesting of the green portion of a gram.  By drying these green grams, they become ready to go to the market. Requirements for Gram crop cultivation  Climate conditions required fo

Aloe Vera yield per acre, investment, profit and reasons of failure and hesitation

Despite, the high demand for Aloe vera, its cultivation, and availability in the market is not enough. Aloe vera products demand is increasing day by day but the rate of cultivation is not similar.  In India, Aloe vera farming is getting more popular, so farmers have the opportunities to have aloe vera cultivation.  But practically, most of the farmers don't practice  Aloe vera farming, because of their profit interest and lack of awareness towards aloe vera.  To make things simple and clear, let's understand aloe vera farming yield, investment, and profit per acre.  Aloe vera yield per acre One acre land area(4046 sq meters) is enough for more than 16000 Aloe vera plants.  For per square meter, 4 Aloe vera plants cover the land. So, one-acre of land can help to grow 16000 Aloe vera plants.  After 8 to 10 months, one plant will produce  total 4 to 5 kg aloe vera leaves. Then in next three batches plant will  produce 2.5 to 3.5 kg aloe vera leaves. 16000 plants in one acre will

Onion farming yield per hectare, investment, and profit per hectare

In countries like India, there are several reasons of vary in onion prices. Before mentioning those reasons, let's understand the basic principle of it. Onion farming profit depends on quality of  onions, yield, and the demand of onions in market. If onion is enough in market then profit will be little lesser and vice versa. In India, every year hundreds of quintals of onions waste because of storage and management lack.    To understand the onion yield in a hectare land, first you have to understand structure and project of cultivation.  Onion farming yield per hectare In 1 Hectare(10000 square meters) agriculture land, produced onions yield most of the time varies. This number can't be certain all the time but there is a range between 100 to 120 quintals/hectare/yield.   Let's understand how this number can calculate or report direct from the cultivation side.  Configuration of onion plants Line to line, plant distance must be near 25 to 30 cm, plant to plant distance mus

Groundnut cultivation in Uttrakhand, sowing, weeding, harvesting and groundnut store

A major portion of Uttrakhand is a hill and slopy land and the rest is either near plains or exact plain region. It is not easy to practice the cultivation as same as plain regions.  Terrace farming is very common here to prepare land for crop cultivation.  Groundnut appear in roots of plants like potatoes and familiar with most of the root plants. Goundnuts appear like bunch of grapes and same as potato beneath the ground.    Every year, 50 to 70 tons of groundnuts produce in Uttrakhand. People consume groundnuts in form of butter, by baking, in raw form, etc.    Groundnut cultivation in Uttrakhand  Requirements for groundnut cultivation in Uttrakhand  Soil type, pH, and land availability In valleys, mostly alluvial soil is popular for agriculture in Uttrakhand. Even for ordinary crops, sometimes farmers don't use organic fertilizers. This alluvial soil keeps pH between 6 to 7. It means it is best for groundnut cultivation.  On slopy mountain soil, groundnut cultivation is difficu

Understand the difference between food crops and cash crops

Often, people think that cash crops are some kind of seasonal food crops when they heard the name, and some think cash crops are non-food crops or those crops which produce money like leaves, etc.  If you are thinking that cash crops are just money-making crops then you are about to right track. Some people can't differentiate between food crops and cash crops. So let's understand what are they and how they are different from each other?  Difference between food crops and cash crops 1. Fundamental difference Almost every food crop is a cash crop but every cash crop is not a food crop. The above statement means that food crops can commercialize in the market in exchange for money but there are many non-food crops like cotton, cocoa, sugarcane, etc. those are not food crops that are also part of cash crops.  2. Economical prospects Food crops are the major portion of the agricultural economy that start contribution from season to season. But some cash crops can contribute to the

Glass Greenhouse cost for 1 acre in India

Can you imagine why eco-friendly methods in agriculture practices are increasing per year in the bigger and older countries? Greenhouse agriculture is a modern solution of agriculture that can apply on any scale of plant agriculture. Greenhouse farming is the best method of growing almost every kind of crop even in odd seasons on a fix land.  Glass greenhouse cost for 1 acre in India What is a glass greenhouse method of farming? Greenhouse farming works on the principle of arrangement of perfect atmosphere to grow crops inside a covered region.  This covered region may be of plastic sheets or glass sheets but it is certain that the covered region controls the temperature inside and provide a highly ideal atmosphere to grow crops. #Polyhouse farming is a kind of greenhouse farming that practices on a small scale.  Requirements to make a glass greenhouse To make solid glass housing/shed/walls: 1-inch thick glass plates to make walls and roof For temperature management: Exhaust fans an

Hydroponic farming setup cost, subsidy, investment and profit margin in India

Some people get suddenly excited by hearing the thumbnail or profit margin that people claim in hydroponic farming. Such people easily become ready to start their own hydroponic farming business at the commercial level. But sadly they don't know the truth of training, setup, investment, and profit margin in hydroponic farming. It is better to get at least a practical idea to start a hydroponic farming business.  The following will help you to get an idea of investment and setup cost(initial and per cycle) in hydroponic farming.  When we talk about Hydroponic farming, we can relate it with  eco-friendly methods of agriculture. Hydroponic farming setup cost/investment in India Hydroponic farming is soil-less vertical farming that is very helpful in urban agriculture. We use water mixture minerals necessary requirements that plants need. We don't use soil in hydroponic farming. Even in a small space, we can practice hydroponic farming.   Its like similar to the working of in a  pr

Difference between Rabi and kharif crops, with examples

In those countries, where most of the economy depends on agriculture, Rabi and Kharif crops contribute most of it.  These crops can store for longer periods and fulfill the daily food demand of people.  In India, Rabi and Kharif crops cover most of agriculture and farmers' practice during the whole year. Difference between Kharif and  Rabi crops Here, we differentiated both Rabi and Kharif crops one by one according to their requirements, season of growing, and various other aspects.  What are Kharif crops? Let's understand Kharif crops by following terms- 1. Water consumption-  Kharif crops consume 1.5 to 2 times more water than any other crops. For this much water consumption, quality and type of soil for water holding are important. 2. Rain -  For Kharif crops, rain is necessary before cultivation and just after sowing of seeds, and then average after. Average rain for Kharif crops is ideal between 130 to 180 cm.  3. Humidity-  Humidity for Kharif crops is good till 50 to 70

Super Napier grass, stem, cultivation process and yield per acre 2022

Besides other green fodders like Berseem , Super Napier grass is one of the most productive and healthy green fodder for animals, especially for dairy farming animals.  Super Napier grass doesn't get any kind of fungal disease, never gets destroyed by grasshoppers, and most importantly, Napier grass can be sustained for at least 5 years.  Super Napier grass even can recover the 30 to 40% amount of less dry fodder. Dairy farming animals produce milk more than average in comparison to other mixtures of green and dry fodder.    Super Napier grass Super Napier grass contains 14 to 18% of protein which helps animals to get healthy and productive. This particular grass can have 8 to 10 feet tall and at least 6 to 10 kg fodder at once from a single plant. Unlike Berseem fodder, Super Napier grass grows by cutting nodes. These nodes can be purchase by local farmers or your nearby branch under the government scheme. Super Napier Yield per acre  Cuttings required - 10000 Compost - 10 quintal