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Super Napier grass, stem, cultivation process and yield per acre 2022

Besides other green fodders like Berseem , Super Napier grass is one of the most productive and healthy green fodder for animals, especially for dairy farming animals.  Super Napier grass doesn't get any kind of fungal disease, never gets destroyed by grasshoppers, and most importantly, Napier grass can be sustained for at least 5 years.  Super Napier grass even can recover the 30 to 40% amount of less dry fodder. Dairy farming animals produce milk more than average in comparison to other mixtures of green and dry fodder.    Super Napier grass Super Napier grass contains 14 to 18% of protein which helps animals to get healthy and productive. This particular grass can have 8 to 10 feet tall and at least 6 to 10 kg fodder at once from a single plant. Unlike Berseem fodder, Super Napier grass grows by cutting nodes. These nodes can be purchase by local farmers or your nearby branch under the government scheme. Super Napier Yield per acre  Cuttings required - 10000 Compost - 10 quintal

Understand Mixed cropping, Model for 1 acre land, investment, profit, Examples and Advantages

Mixed farming is a modern method of farming to overcome the insecurity of low-income and decreasing soil fertility for small farmers.  Mixed cropping is highly profitable and one of the best farming methods of modern time, especially for poor farmers.  Mixed cropping is totally different from primitive subsistence agriculture. Mixed cropping and project report  Mixed cropping is a kind of cropping pattern, in which multiple seasonal and yearly crops cultivate at the same time on the same land in different portions. These multiple crops work on a complementary principle of mutual exchange of required elements. In mixed cropping selection of crops very important. It means, in mixed cropping nearby cultivation of crops depends on their need. Suppose one crop is highly Nitrogen consuming, then a low Nitrogen required crop will cultivate its beside.  The required elements can be Nitrogen, moisture, sunlight, Sulfur, Potassium, Calcium, Iron, etc. Following are some reasons that why mixed cr

Jersey cow, milk per day, price, identity, and milk price in India

In dairy farming, every business individual or company wants extra milk production in available resources. For this case, your breed of selection to start dairy farming is important. Jersey cow originated in Britain(isle Jersey), in the 18th century. Later, it came to South Asian countries. Jersey cows live for 20 to 25 years and after 30 months they start to decrease the amount of milk production.  Currently, the world has more than a total 980 million of cattle. India has more than 300 million Jersey cattle and it holds the number one position with it.  Jersey Cow and milk production Jersey cow breed identity Color-  They mostly have the same color range from light brown to black and few continuous spots at back thigh areas to tail. They originally have a black tail and long heads. Size and weight Weight - 340 kg to 430 kg.  Size - Jersey cow doesn't have a heavy body structure like other cow breeds. They contain heavy nipples(almost double to triple) unlike ordinary and cross br