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Jersey cow, milk per day, price, identity, and milk price in India

In dairy farming, every business individual or company wants extra milk production in available resources. For this case, your breed of selection to start dairy farming is important.

Jersey cow originated in Britain(isle Jersey), in the 18th century. Later, it came to South Asian countries.

Jersey cows live for 20 to 25 years and after 30 months they start to decrease the amount of milk production. 

Currently, the world has more than a total 980 million of cattle. India has more than 300 million Jersey cattle and it holds the number one position with it. 

Jersey Cow and milk production

Jersey cow breed identity

Color- They mostly have the same color range from light brown to black and few continuous spots at back thigh areas to tail. They originally have a black tail and long heads.

Size and weight

Weight- 340 kg to 430 kg. 

Size- Jersey cow doesn't have a heavy body structure like other cow breeds. They contain heavy nipples(almost double to triple) unlike ordinary and cross breed cows. 

Jersey cows can't run faster, they become lazy during their lactation period. Before lactation, they gain weight and become pregnant and heavy.

Immunity-  On average, ordinary mixed and straight breeds can fight with normal fever but for a longer period, they need proper treatment from a veterinary doctor. 

In the case of a Jersey cow, the condition is rare to call a veterinary doctor for fever treatment (except vaccination). Jersey cows' bodies are more immune to fight such fevers comparatively ordinary cows.

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Fodder consumption- Jersey cows eat just lesser fodder(green and dry) comparatively ordinary ones. Despite this, they produce an extra quantity of milk. 

An ordinary cow consumes 50 to 70 kg of fodder in a day, but Jersey can survive in 45 to 60 kg.

Jersey cow milk per day

Temperature required- Normally, cows can survive in the maximum of 38 to 39 degrees Celcius temperature in summer but Jersey cows can live even in 40 degrees Celcius. 

Behavior-  Jersey cows live very shy and calm. People need to behave gently with them during the milking process and Jersey cows will not resist milking. 

These cows don't react on an objectionable scale but sometimes they can behave abnormally in summer. After all, every living being has the right to live in their space.

Jersey cows are good for dairy farming business.

Jersey cow milk

Fat- 5.5% 

Protein- 15 to 18% more

Other elements- Calcium; 18 to 20% more

Jersey cow milk per day

Jersey cows, unlike any other breed of cattle, produce most milk in their lactation period. They produce 20 to 30 liters of milk daily during lactation. 

Some people claim that they have Jersey cows that produce 35 to 45 liters of milk per day. But according to available average data, Jersey cows produce double milk comparatively to ordinary cows in a day. 

Jersey cow price  in India

Because Jersey cow is not Indian breed, it is costlier than other desi cows like gir, sahiwal, etc. 

In local markets, it is difficult to find a high milk producing Jersey cow. Even after average quality, Jersey cows sell on expensive prices. 

A young calf of Jersey cow price is near 50,000 INR. On the other hand, a mature milk producing Jersey cow price is 75,000 to 1,00,000 INR(transportation cost is not included).

You can also read cow breeds identity and performance in Dairy farming business

Jersey cow milk price in India

India, which produces more than 20% of global milk production, consumes Jersey cow milk mostly. This milk has more necessary elements than other ordinary cow milk. 

In India, Jersey cow milk price starts from 40 INR/kg to 80 INR/kg. 

The local dairy sells them at high prices and packed Jersey cow milk holds average value. It depends on the region.

If you live in rural areas, then you get it at cheaper prices, and in urban areas, it is costlier. 

Where to buy Jersey cow in India?

Jersey cow is one of the rarest cows in India. It is not easily available at some places, and they do not produce milk in satisfying amounts if they are available in your locality. 

Often, seller attracts people to buy their animals. They show them false things with Jersey cow and misinterpret all the qualities of a particular Jersey cow. 

Thus buyer gets fraud with him and lost the hope of getting profit in the dairy farming business.

Some people consider buying Jersey cows direct from the cow market, and most of the time they don't get the same results as they were convinced.

The most genuine way to buy animals is direct from that owner who only has two or three Jersey cows only. 

It is obvious that people keep the best quality in their hands. So if such people sell their Jersey animals a little bit costlier, then it is better to buy them because of better quality and productivity.   

Find such owners in your area and buy such Jersey animals one by one and then you will get better results than ordinary buying of Jersey cow animals. 

Can Jersey cows survive in hilly areas?

The answer is yet but a difficult yes. In snowfall areas, it is not possible to start a dairy farm with Jersey cows because high mortality rate in the snowfall region.  

Better and quite surviving hill areas are those which obey the natural climate change. In those regions, the best time to bring the animals is in summer. 

Jersey cows can handle the summer season of hilly areas and the reason behind bring them n summer is simple, they face the season change and till the winters they become used to it.  

Comparison between Hf cow and Jersey cow

HF cow is listed in the highest range of dairy farming business as same as Jersey cow. 

There are some similarities between Jersey and HF cows and some differences. Following are few differences between them, which can help to figure out an overview for the selection of breed to start a dairy farming business. 

Differences between HF and Jersey

1. Size

  • Hf cow- 490 to 550 kg(fully grown)
  • Jersey cow- 340 to 430 kg. 

2. Color and spots

  • HF cow- Multiple colors and spots on the body in a certain pattern.
  • Jersey cow- Mostly red and few spots on the last two thighs. 

3. Personality and appearance 

  • HF cow- Heavier but smarter than Jersey cow. Calm and less curious.
  • Jersey cow- A bit curious than HF but still calm. Lighter than HF breed,

4. Milk Production

  • HF cow- 25 to 40 liter/day
  • Jersey cow- 20 to 30 liter/day

5. Immunity 

  • HF cow- Highly immune and able to heal fever without special treatments.
  • Jersey cow- Highly immune but lesser than HF cows and requires treatment after a time.

Jersey cow availability in the Indian market 

Unlike any other ordinary cow for dairy farming, Jersey cow is costlier than those. People don't sell them directly in the market.
If any Jersey cow is available in the local market, then most probably either they are older or they are not producing enough milk. 
In animal festivals, almost every kind of dairy farming animal do available but HF and Jersey's cows are hard. 
 People either sell them older or when they left less productive. 
Best Jersey cow selection depends on their productivity and their disease's repulsive immunity. If a Jersey cow is producing milk 290 days in a year then they are a good breed to have for the dairy farming business.
The best time to buy Jersey cows is when they become young from the calf. 
Although these young Jersey cows are costly they are the best breed to produce maximum milk in a day. 

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