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Biofloc fish farming project report, requirements, investment Cost, and biofloc Profit

Biofloc fish farming method is one of those methods in which the mortality rate of fish reduces to 1 to 2% maximum.
It is a modern scientific method of raising fish. Instead of using pond culture for fish farming, Biofloc fish tank use.
Biofloc fish farming is a process of raising fishes in which, fish can consume protein from their waste and care them from the effect of ammonia. 

Biofloc fish farming

In Biofloc fish farming method, a Biofloc fish tank is created for fishes in which they stay for at least 5 months. You don't need to invest much in their feed through the time of harvesting.

Here we discussed the investment and profit estimation to make a biofloc tank and estimation till the end of first cycle of fishes. 

Biofloc fish farming

There are many advantages of the Biofloc fish farming method as it cleans the water impurities for fish. It's a low-budget highly profitable method of raising fish. 

Investment in the making of a Biofloc fish pond

There are two phases of investment in biofloc fish farming. Following is the investment in making of one biofloc fish pond or tank-

One time investment

  • Land cost- 20000 INR
  • Pond cost- 16000 INR
  1. Trampoline- 8000 INR
  2. Protecter sheet- 2000 INR
  3. Wire mesh- 4000 INR
  4. PVC pipes- 2000 INR
  • Oxygen supply setup cost- 6000 INR 
  • Water system cost- 2000 INR
  • Shelter platform cost- 4000 INR
  • TDS meter- 2000 INR
  • pH meter- 1500 INR
  • Dissolve oxygen meter- 3000 INR 
  • Ammonia kit- 5000 INR

Total- 59500 INR

Per batch investment

  • Fish seed- 10000 INR/batch
  • Feed- 2000 INR/bach
  • Electricity cost- 18000 INR/batch
  • Water cost- 1000 INR/batch
  • Probiotics- 300 INR/batch

Total- 31300 INR

The overall cost for the first time- 90800 INR

From the next cycle, the cost will reduce only to per cycle cost, which is 31300 INR

Profit in Biofloc fish farming

The First year cycle of Biofloc fish farming 

  • Total earning- 150000 INR/batch
  • Net earnings-  59500 INR/batch
  • The Second cycle of Biofloc fish farming
From next cycle, you don't have to invest any amount on fish tank designing or land buying. It will reduce to some maintenance work and per cycle cost only. 

Total earning- 150000 INR/batch

Net earnings- 118700 INR/batch

With this speed, you will recover your investment in 1 years of one Biofloc fish tank.

Challenges in Biofloc fish farming business

Major challenges 

  • Don't start a Biofloc fish farm without proper training of at least 10 to 15 days.
  • Maintaining the size and temperature of the water fish tanks is one of the major challenges in Biofloc fish farming.
  • Maintaining oxygen supply to pond water is very challenging.
  • Size and breed of fish matter in the case of Biofloc fish farming.
  • Fish density in water must not be higher than suggested in your training program at your locality.
  • It is better to keep Biofloc fish farm outside your shed. Despite you can build them under a roof shelter with one side open wall.
  • You have to check the percentage of minerals in water more or less to ideal for fish. 
  • Natural light is important for Biofloc fish to groom otherwise they can't survive.

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Minor challenges

  • Boundaries of Biofloc pond must be air resistive and temperature resistive.
  • It is challenging to separate the identity of river fish and sea fish. It is challenging to separate them in separae ponds. 
  • Like mixed cropping of plants, Biofloc fish farming ask for mutual understanding of fish. In your fish tank, various fish breeds must have mutual understanding without any fight. 
  • You can't raise salt water fish like in fresh water fish like together or vice versa. 

What are important points of training for Biofloc fish farming

This question always worries beginners especially, that which training program is best. So, the following are some essential points that must be in a proper training program-
  • Practical  demonstration
  • Practical Science behind Biofloc fish farming
  • The trainer must be always open to any query related to Biofloc
  • The trainer must be a scientist or must have at least 3 years of practical business experience
  • Training must be at least 4 to 7 days long.
  • It would be better to get training right at the practical zone to get used to it.

Biofloc fish farming project report

Preparation of Biofloc water


Probiotics are helpful to produce bacteria in the water. Probiotics are easily available in the markets.

In a 10000-liter water tank, you have to mix a 50 ml solution of probiotics.

Biofloc fish farming project report


For molasses you don't need to go anywhere, you can make it at your home easily.

You need black jaggery(animal jaggery) and convert it into liquid form by heating. 

Thus for a 10000-liter water tank, you need a 100 ml solution of black jaggery.

Oxygen pipe connection-

Silicon pipes are best for Biofloc fish farming because of their easy supply and long life. 

Another side of the silicon pipe connects with air stone that helps to dissolve oxygen into the water. 

Let the oxygen supply into the water for the next two days and don't put fish into it. 

TDS meter 

After two days, dip the TDS meter into the water and note the reading. 

TDS of water must be around 1800 and maximum 1900 to 1950. 

If TDS does not match with the above reading, then add Iodine less rock salt(sodium chloride) with water till TDS gets the reading of 1800.

 pH of water

Note the pH of water. If it doesn't come out between 6 to 8 then add slacked lime in water. 8 grams of slacked lime is enough in starting, if pH doesn't get the right values then add more lime carefully.

The Biofloc water system is ready for fish.

Diseases in Biofloc fish farming

Biofloc fish farming is a scientific result and practical for fish farming. 

Only 2% of fish get disease(some fungal infections)in this system. The rest of them either don't get full growth or best growth but they don't get any infection or disease. 

Requirements to make Biofloc fish tank

Let's first understand the requirements for Biofloc fish farm. To make a 10000-liter capacity water tank following materials are required-

PVC trampoline sheet, Steel wire mesh(2.5x14 square meters), protector sheet(2.4x14 square meters), central drainage pipe (3 inches diameter) with cap, L socket(3 inches), 4 meters long 2.5 inches PVC pipe, valve, glue, plastic rope, cement, bricks, labor. 

Process of making Biofloc fish pond

Following are the steps to follow in the making of biofloc fish tank-

First step

Choose the place where you are comfortable for making a fish pond. Make a circle of 2.5 meters in diameter with the help of a wooden piece or whatever you have to make a strong mark.
First, you have to select the area on which you want to design and place the Biofloc fish farming tank. 
Draw a circle on the ground of 4.2 meters diameter. Dig drainage up to 1 meter outside of the circle. 
Fix the drainage pipe with the 'L' socket and fix it within this drainage dig.  
Now make the slope of the circle towards the center of the circle. You can use cement to overcome the uneven slope towards the center. It will provide stability to the Biofloc tank later.  

Second Step

Now make a boundary of iron rods on the circumference of the drawn circle. 
This will help to veld the metal mesh with it. 

Third step

Apply the metal mesh on the boundaries of the circle and close it with the help of binding wires. 
Veld it with the iron rods on the base of a metal cage.

Fourth step

Apply PVC trampoline on the cage such as its outer portion must be longer than the height of the cage that with be bind with the cage later.
But before applying the PVC trampoline, cover the sharp upper edges of the cage with any flexible rubber-like material to prevent any hole in the trampoline sheet

Fifth step

Cover the cage boundaries from inside with the help of a protector sheet and bind it with the cage mesh. 

Sixth step

Apply the trampoline sheet on the cage mesh to make a proper tank for Biofloc.  
Bind it with the help of plastic rope as a zig-zag pattern.

Seventh step

Now, find the center of the ready tank. Use rubber bands or plastic ties to seal the center of the drainage pipe base.
Recheck it again and confirm the tightness. 
Use a knife or sharp cutting metal. Mark a circle just before the boundaries of the base of the water drainage pipe.
Mark triangles that cover the drawn circle. Cut all the triangles and stick them towards the inside.   

Eighth step

Fix the upper portion of the drainage pipe with the help of PVC glue.
Remind and make sure to make some holes in the body of the drainage pipe and close from the top by its sealing cover. 
Thus, your tank is ready. Fill it with fresh water and cover it with a thin net and follow the process of getting water ready for fish.    

Fish breed selection and popular Biofloc fish

Before getting select the breed of fish for Biofloc, you have to understand the following conditions-
  • The fish should not be lazy but quick and playful.
  • It will be an advantage that they can do mouth breath. It helps them to eat floating feed. 
  • Fish must be capable of has feed time to time. They should be used to invest their energy.

Popular breeds of Biofloc fish farming in India

  • Fangaas
  • Kawai
  • Mangoor
  • Singhi
  • Catfish           

Things you can't do during Biofloc fish farming

  • You can't use any ordinary drug medicine without the permission of your trainer.
  • Temperature maintenance is an important thing in Biofloc fish farming. You have to check it from time to time otherwise fish can't survive in the pond.
  • You can't build a fish pond in a dark place, natural light is necessary for fish.
  • You can't use any kind of chemical to kill fungi or algae inside the fish pond.
  • You can't cover the fish pond for a long time(more than 20 minutes).
  • You can't use sea fish with river fish in the same pond.
  • You can't drain the tank quickly, you have to keep filling it with water with the draining process.

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