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Irrigation pumps in agriculture, various types, price, and working process of water pumps

It is a common problem for farmers to face the irrigation water pump issues. They get confused with the types of irrigation pumps, their prices, and how to choose one irrigation pump for their agricultural irrigation.  

Let's discuss the working of irrigation water pumps, their types, price, and what things you should keep aware of while buying an irrigation pump. 

Irrigation pumps for agriculture 

Irrigation pumps use to supply steady water for irrigation. Pumps provide more kinetic energy to the steady water so that it can flow to the agricultural lands. 

These pumps can use to supply underground water, pond water, tank water, river water, etc. 

How do irrigation pumps work? 

There are several mechanisms of irrigation pumps. These mechanisms work for particular purposes according to the need for irrigation. For example, we have piston pumps, centrifugal pumps, submersible pumps, and booster pumps. 

Irrigation pumps

These pumps work on the same principle of providing the water with more kinetic energy to boost the flow rate to supply further for irrigation. 

Types of irrigation pumps

We can categorise irrigation pumps on multiple bases. Here we will discuss only four types of irrigation pumps based on purpose and capacity-

  • Centrifugal Irrigation pumps

These irrigation pumps work based on centrifugal force energy. It means, these pumps follow the mechanics of rotational motion and provide kinetic energy for water to flow. The pumping force of centrifugal pumps depends on the efficiency of centrifugal rotations. 

In irrigation, these are very common pumps and work well to supply water. 

These pumps use to drag water from the tank, pond, or water from any steady source. In irrigation, we use it to supply collected water. Even we use it in rainwater harvesting system. 

These pumps are easily portable.

  • Submersible Pumps

These pumps are used in submersibles to pump the groundwater. Submersible pumps work on a principle of multistage vertically centrifugal force kinetic energy. Submersible pumps consume high electricity to operate. The force of water depends on the power of the submersible pump. These pumps are very popular in rural areas and still working for a very long time. 

Submersible pumps are not easily portable. 

  • Booster pumps

Either in small projects or megaprojects, we can use booster pumps to increase the flow rate of any liquid. Most of the time we use it when we need steady tank water to supply with force. 

We can use it in large irrigation processes.

  • Piston pumps 

Piston pumps work on the principle of compression of liquid and gases. When the piston compresses the water, the flow rate increase automatically. When the piston loses compression, the flow rate decrease. 

This piston is used to control the flow rate of water supply in irrigation. 

Most importantly, we can fix it with other primary irrigation pumps as complementary. 

Price of various irrigation pumps

  • Centrifugal pump price(1HP)- 35,000 INR
  • Submersible pump price(1HP)- 20,000 INR
  • Booster pump price(0.5HP)- 10,000 INR
  • Piston pump price- 20,000 INR

What you should keep in mind while buying irrigation pumps?

If you have any doubt about the selection of irrigation pumps, then you need a proper note of essential points that show the ideal irrigation pumps. 

Here are some points that you should keep in mind while buying irrigation pumps-

  • Power and capability

In the first attempt, you should read and ask for the power and consumption of the irrigation pump. If it has resistive features then it can increase your electricity bills. The irrigation pump must have capacity according to your need. If water entering space is wide and the supply space is small then it is good to make pressure and further supply, otherwise, the pump is not convenient. 

  • Pump material

Ask the shop owner for the material of the pump. Do not buy fire-friendly material pumps. Also, the material should be strong enough during transportation. 

  • Waterproof pumps

Most of the irrigation pumps keep outside. In rain, there are chances of a short circuit in the irrigation pump. So either buy it with a cover or buy the whole pump waterproof. 

  • Size and weight

The size of the pump must be according to the purpose. For general supply, you can't buy a huge body pump. The irrigation pump must be lightweight so you can transport it easily. 

  • Function to operate

The irrigation pump function should be easy and simple. It is found that the complex function of electric pumps causes bigger problems in an emergency. 

The pump should fix easily and operate easily. It doesn't mean that a rough pump is ideal. It means pump efficiency and function should be easier. 

  • Safety emergency valves

The irrigation pumps must-have emergency valves so that in case of any damage, you can shut off the main valve. 

  • Power variable 

It is optional but you can buy power variable irrigation pumps too. These pumps help in multiple uses. These pumps are easy to use and good enough to solve multiple pumping-related problems. 

  • Portability

Your irrigation pump must be easily portable. It should be easy to engage and disengage and to transport from one place to other.  

  • Warranty

You better read the terms and policies of warranty on irrigation pumps. It should make sure that you followed the reasons for warranty insurance before buying the irrigation pumps. 

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