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Eco friendly farming, techniques, and Importance in sustainable agriculture

With the curent rate of global development, most people are unaware of the problems we are going to face in the future because we are making everything comfortable.

In the upcoming future, we are going to face(facing some of them currently) major problems like energy sources, soil conservation, water conservation, and forest conservation. We are losing natural resources very fast and soon we will face the impact of it in our daily life. 

We have to deal with these problems and encourage and implement the eco-friendly methods of agriculture and energy sources to sustain in future.

Let's understand the eco-friendly techniques of agriculture.

Eco-friendly farming and techniques 

Let's understand the eco-friendly techniques of agriculture.

Eco-friendly farming techniques

Following are some eco-friendly farming techniques that can make a change in the global problems regarding the conservation and to sustain natural resources

  • Organic agriculture 

Organic farming is very different from chemical fertilizers. Chemical fertilizers increase the fertility of the soil for a limited period but reduce natural fertility. 

Eco-friendly agriculture techniques

Organic farming works slower but it brings the natural fertility, and natural elements of the soil back and increases the production and quality of yield. For soil conservation, organic farming is a very important technique of agriculture. 

  • Mixed cropping and crop rotation 

When we use the same crop for a longer period, then it reduces the same amount of natural elements in the soil. The result of this is less fertile soil and least production. It is bad to sustain in the future with the dependency on the same soil. 

Mixed cropping and crop rotation are two smart ways to maintain soil fertility for a longer period. It is profitable, high in production, and good for soil conservation and to sustain in the future.

  • Biofuel 

The production and use of biofuels like gobar gas are harmless and helpful for daily life.  Biofuel is far better than the use of fossil fuels like petrol, diesel, coat, etc.

Although it is a bit costlier than fossil fuels biofuels can make easily at home.

There will be a time when fossil fuels will be finished. Till the time we will damage the natural very badly. 

We are required to use biofuels as much as we can from today. Even there is the possibility to make biofuels sources at home and use the energy in daily life with all the precautions.

  • Rainwater harvesting system

For water conservation, there are not many options available. Certainly, drinkable water sources are decreasing day by day. We had only a few options available to conserve water.

For this problem, we have to be aware of the fundamental scale. The solution must be on a daily life scale and easy to access for people. 

A rainwater harvesting system is a method that any person can adopt at his home. It helps to save water and use natural sources of water(rain) to collect and use water for drinking, irrigation, and other daily life uses. We need to use rainwater to send inside the ground to sustain in future.

  • Solar energy

Although we say we need natural eco-friendly sources of energy. But practically, we are dependent on the other sources that impact nature badly. To overcome the energy problem, the solar energy system is very helpful to produce energy. We can use this solar energy in our daily life, irrigation, vehicles, tools, etc. Slowly we can shift our current energy sources to solar energy sources. 

Although solar energy or most of the natural energy-producing system arrangements are costlier, in the future they will be cheaper and affordable for everyone.

  • Tree farming (agroforestry)

Agroforestry is a great way to prevent soil erosion. In agroforestry, we can recycle the natural nutrients and slow down the pressure on the forests.

We use trees and crops at the same time in agroforestry so that we can decrease our dependency on forests. It is a very technical method that helps to solve multiple problems like food production, non-food requirements, soil erosion, restoring natural nutrients, dependency on forests, river water conservation, etc.

  • Mulching agriculture

Mulching is a method to cover the soil to slow down the vaporization of moisture from the soil. It is very helpful at the time of young and mature tree plants. There is natural mulching after the autumn season when dry leaves work as mulching. 

Covering the soil with dry leaves, and dry dead organic waste to maintain the moisture in direct sunlight is called mulching. Later, these dry organic materials melt and work as natural fertilizers for soil. Thus mulching increases soil fertility. 

Mulching is a very eco-friendly method and is best for gardening purposes.

How does earth-friendly farming help conserve our natural resources?  

Soil conservation, water conservation, forest fire, and extinction of diversity of rare species are major challenges from a global perspective. 

In the last 100 years, industrialization, new cities, population, demand, and supply increased by a huge number. 

This sort of development made a very bad impact on nature and its resources. 

It is researched that eco-friendly farming can reduce the bad impact of modernization on natural resources. Eco-friendly agriculture can shift all things in favor of nature but it works slowly but is impactful. Above techniques are making an impact to conserve natural resources. 

Methods like Rain water harvesting, organic agriculture, biofuels, agroforestry, solar energy can shift the dependency on harmful resources of energy and production. These all are eco-friendly methods and help to conserve soil, water, forests, and rare species.

Why eco-friendly agriculture is important?

For sustainable agriculture 

Because of heavy use and waste of natural resources in the name of development, it is a big problem to sustain in the future. Not even the basic needs as natural resources. Following are some basic needs and importance of eco-friendly farming to sustain these in the future- 

For Soil conservation

The soil fertility is decreasing day by day. It is not because of overuse of soil but overuse of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, no crop rotation, and less moisture in the soil.

Eco-friendly farming provides the solution to conserve the soil and increase the natural fertility of the soil. Crop rotation, mixed cropping, organic farming, mulching, and rain-water harvesting are some of the methods that help to conserve soil.

For green conservation

Including soil conservation, green conservation must need to be sustained. The heavy impact of deforestation badly impacted the natural resources, species, increasing soil erosion, and climate change.

To save and sustain in future, we need eco-friendly farming like agroforestry and afforestation as soon as possible. If you see the map for the last 70 years, you will find that a heavy percentage of deforestation is done, which affected the climate change in most of the percentage.

To save the extinction of rare species

Although there are not many people who talk about extinct species that are very impactful in our ecosystem, but still, it is important to save the rare species. In recent 500 years, more than 800 species are extinct. Afforestation, shifting cultivation, and increase in population are three main reasons to make species rare, and their extinction. 

Eco-friendly farming can't take the extinct species back but it can play a role to save current rare species.

The eco-friendly farming techniques are very helpful and can help to save rare species.

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